

I found this very interesting article on Earthsavers website, while shopping for a facial. I think I am going to go buy some plants myself.

plants against pollution

want the air you breathe at home or at work to be cleaner? 
when NASA scientists were looking for ways to clean the air in space stations, they made a remarkable discovery. They learned that houseplants remove pollutants from the air! 

indoor air often contains formaldehyde, benzene and tri-chloroethylene. these chemicals all come from treated wood furnishings, carpeting, clothing and household cleaning products. also, our gas stoves and furnaces give off carbon monoxide. 

the NASA scientists found that in addition to adding life-giving oxygen to the air, certain house plants actually removed the above mentioned pollutants from the air we breathe! 

spider plants, one of the hardiest of all house plants performed the best. english ivy, philodendron, bamboo palm, daisies, chrysanthemums and golden pothos, however, were very effective too. 

they also found that the potting soil in which these plants live removes pollutants from the air. 

we learned what combats the air pollution is not just one element, but the chemical interaction among soil, roots and leaves. 

the EPA suggests keeping these plants in homes and offices. putting plants around the house is not only esthetically pleasing, but an easy, in-expensive way that you and your family can reduce air pollution and breathe fresher, cleaner air! 

this is just another example of how many of our ills can be remedied if we just look to the source of all life - the natural world. 

researchers suggest putting one or two plants in each room. most importantly, place them in the bedrooms where you and your family sleep. 

run down to the local nursery, or ask your neighbor for some cuttings and start breathing cleaner air right now!


by Orisia Haas 

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